Friday, August 10, 2007

God the Bonsai Gardener?

A friend of mine yesterday asked me whether or not partaking in the art of bonsai has religious overtones. A great question.

I was poking around on the internet in search of some insight when I came across this little nugget from The Questioning Christian.

I wonder. Maybe God is more like a bonsai gardener than a carpenter.

It seems highly likely that God envisioned an overall design for the "garden" we call the universe, and that he planted various seeds in various places. Perhaps somehow, on an on-going basis, he might also guide and constrain the growth of the "trees," which would otherwise grow wild.

(And of course we conjecture that God also provided the raw materials and designed the underlying evolutionary processes in the first place; as the punch line to an old joke goes, "oh, no — get your own dirt!")

Building a universe through "gardening" would certainly be an impressive feat. It'd be much more clever than a carpenter's simply nailing together what he wanted.

I thought that was an interesting find. Not that it had anything to do with whether or not partaking in bonsai has an embedded religious significance... but still.

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